We received an email on January 5th from Rudy VanderLans, the man behind Emigre, the legendary font foundry and magazine. He is working on "Emigre #70: The Look Back Issue.", a 500 page "Best Of" book. He is reprinting [in it's entirety] the interview he did at the Cranbrook Academy of Art with Kathy McCoy and the students [including Lisa and Mark] in 1991. He had to recreate the layouts from scratch because they were originally produced in ReadySetGo! which he can no longer open...
He needed a high-resolution image of Mark's PetLamp poster, which was featured in Emigre No. 19: Starting From Zero.
The imaging was done with video camera and image capture card in a Mac IIfx, and edited using Adobe Photoshop 1.a and Aldus FreeHand. The lamp was designed by fellow Cranbrook classmate John Davison.